Brazilian cheese bread, 1 kg


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Prepared mixture for fine Brazilian pastry - cheese bread - Pao de Queijo. 

Cheese Bread ia a part of the standard Brazilian food with this product being offered throughout Brazil in restaurants, cafes, corner stores & of course at home.

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9,79 €

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The Yoki brand of Cheese Bread or Pão de Queijo is the most authentic & widely used in Brazil because of the high quality & easy of preparation.

The finished product is served as cheese bread balls which can vary in size with a smooth cheese flavour & soft centre. This is a must have, best enjoyed with beer, wine or coffee.

The Yoki pre-mix can be varied by adding other ingredients such as oregano, extra parmesan & even pieces of our own Predilecta guava paste can be enjoyed in the centre of the cheese bread balls. This product makes a perfect gluten free breakfast bun best enjoyed with our Brazilian coffee.

The main features of this product are crispy crust, soft core and delicate taste of cheese.

You will enjoy this famous tasty product just as millions of Brazilians do.